Log Category of Documents: PHS for ten individuals of C2, D1, Doan 45 prob 2d Co, 1st Bn, 5th VC Div
Coordinate N/A
Keywords People Nguyen Quoc My, Pham Van Hoa, Tổng Quang Luu, Nguyen Tien Neoc, Do Van Tan, Van Bông, Nguyen Van Tang
Keywords Location Ninh Phú Village, Phù Ninh District, Phú Tho Province; Thu Sy Village, Tien Lu District, Hung Yeh Province; Luông Ngọc, Tân Tiến, Thái Bình Province; Tien Thinh Village, Tan Yeni District, Ha Bed Province
Keywords Objects N/A
Summarize Ten PHS revealing name, DOB, POB, date enlisted, and party admission of members of C2, D1, Doan 45, likely the 2nd Company, 1st Battalion, 5th VC Division.