Log Category of Documents: PHS prepared by Do Van Hien, Chiêm Văn Điều, and Nguyen Van Be regarding their personal history and applications for admission to the Party.
Coordinate XT768090
Keywords People Do Van Hien, Chiêm Văn Điều, Nguyen Van Be aka Thanh Hal, Tran Si Hoanh, Huỳnh Văn Minh, Pham Van Du, Nguyen Van Bình, Lê Văn Diệp, Trần Văn Kéo, Le Ngọc Diệp
Keywords Location Phude Hiệp Village, Cu Chi District, Giadinh Province, Vinh Hòa Hiep Village, Chau Thành District, Rach Gia Province, Tam Binh Village, Cai Lây District, My The Province
Keywords Objects N/A
Summarize Documents details personal history statements (PHS) dated 19 Jan 68, and applications for Party admission.