Log Category of Documents: Element of 8th Battalion, 22nd Regiment, 3rd NVA Division, Military Region 5
Coordinate BS821090
Keywords People De Chi Hdu, Tran Ngoc Thach, Nguyễn Dinh Nhi, Tran Dinh Dung, Quang Thde, Tieu, Dde, Thúc, Chung
Keywords Location Bình Định Province, Vu Ninh Village, Vu Tien District, Thái Bình Province, NVN, Luong Tân Hill, Ho Can area, Ho Soai area
Keywords Objects Wound certificate, Award certificate, Official letter
Summarize Wound certificate signed by De Chi Hdu reveals that Tran Ngoc Thach was admitted on 17 Jan 70. An award certificate signed by Nguyễn Dinh Nhi for Tran Dinh Dung, dated 2 Sep 69. An official letter from Quang Thde reveals enemy troops movements and the condition of Unit 82.