Keywords People Le Hong Khanh, Le Hang Phong, Nguyen Van Duc, Nguyen Ngoc Tan, Huỳnh Văn Chiêu, Pham Van Lai
Keywords Location Bac Ferry My Thuan, Tan Huon, Road #4, My Tho, Go Cong, Road #24, Saigon, Road #5, Binh Due, Road #28, Xoài Hot Road, Cuu Long River, Cho Gao Canal, Canal #12, NFLSVN, SVN, FF/RVN F, Nguyễn Văn Tiếp Canal
Keywords Objects Prohibition orders, ships and boats movement bans, disruption of transportation, orders for military and peramiltary forces
Summarize Orders on traffic bans, communique supporting NFLSVN, news bulletin on CIDG revolt.