Log Category of Documents: Application for Official Party membership, undtd and unsigned, prepared by Bui Duc Dan. Personnel Roster, dtd 23 Jan ((year illegible)), signed by Pham Minh Tan.
Coordinate N/A
Keywords People Bui Duc Dan, Pham Minh Tan, Pham Van Mac, Nguyen Xuân, Vu Văn Truật, Nguyen Van Ti, Mac Duc Ha, Quang Hung
Keywords Location Hai Phong Province, An Thach Vill, Tu Ky Dist, Hai Duong Prov, Hong Phong Vill, Ninh Giang Dist, Kien Quoc Vill, An Lan Vill
Keywords Objects 11 AK mg with 1960 rds, one B40 RL with four rockets, two K54 pistols, and four Chicom stick-type defensive hand grenades
Summarize Application for Official Party membership by Bui Duc Dan. Personnel roster signed by Pham Minh Tan listing members and their biographical data.