Log Category of Documents:
Personal history statement and application for admission to the Party, one undated and the other dated 30 Aug 71, prepared by 4/2 ((SGT)) Nguyen Van Mang, Adjutant, Unit 207, D406 ((possibly the 207th Company, 406th Sapper Battalion, VC Kontum Province Unit)), reveal that Mang was born on 27 Aug 42 in Tiên Hamlet, Lai Cách Village, Cảm Giang District, Hải Dương Province, NVN. Mang was admitted to the Youth Group in Jan 67, enlisted in C3, D9, E127 ((possibly the 3rd Company, 9th Battalion, 127th Regiment, NVA)). Northeastern Military Region on 27 Jul 67, and infiltrated SVN on 18 Jan 68. His parents are Nguyễn Văn Giang and Lưu Thị Huyền ((both deceased)).