C) Undtd Achievement Report, preprepared by an unspec agency, pertains to the mil achievement scored by various Dist and Units throughout T [pos$26 Mar 68: Participating units included Cu Chi, Go on, Binh Tan Di An, Thu Duc and Nha Be Dist local forces and units of KHU [noss MR 4], such as C.10 [poss Saprer En], G.75 [ross Inderpendent Inf Co of R 4], D1 and DB [poss 1st Bn and 8th Arty Bn of R 4], H.5, G.20, G.40, Y.16, K.30, B.30 [ross Engr Sanner Co, MI Recon Co, The Co, MI Sec, Rear Svc Staff, Mil Afrs Committee] and A.50.