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One BAR Lmg, three Garand rifles, three CKC, one AR 15, five K44, one Thompson Smg, three Carbines, one rifle and one Pistol, as of Apr 68. Item #2. Report dated 20 May 68, signed by Loc for the Command Committee of T15, reveals the following weapon status of T.15. - On hand: 21 weapons (three Garand rifles; ten Carbines, one Thompson Smg, three AR 15, one Img, two Colt Pistols and one MAS French rifle. - Lost: 17 weapons (one Garand rifle, five Carbines, two Thompsons, two AR 15, one Lmg, four K44, one MAS and one CKC). - Deadlined: two Garand rifles, one Carbine and one AR 15. T15 also had one PRC10 and one PRC9. Item #3. Undated Report reveals the following weapon strength of Unit T.80 as of May 68: one Colt Pistol, two Carbines, three Garand rifles, two AR15 and one MAS 36. Item #4. Undated and unsigned Report prepared by T30 and addressed to X95, reveals that among 2,600 inhabitants of T30, there were 13 Vill cadre, 36 Hamlet cadre, 26 Vill Guerrillas and 35 Hamlet Guerrillas. Item #5. Undated and unsigned Report reveals that in May 68, T80 had six men in the Vill Unit Command Committee, seven Vill Guerrillas, three secret Guerrillas, eight men in Hamlets Command Committees and 15 Hamlet Guerrillas.