Log Category of Documents:
Item 6: Personnel Record consisting of the following: 1. Order, dated 18 Mar 68, signed illegibly for Unit Q.30 reassigns Hoc from Pho Ninh Vill Unit to Due Pho Dist Unit, instructed to report at Ong On's House at My Thuan on 221900 Mar 68.; 2. Letter of Introduction, dated 21 Mar 68, signed by Pham Bau, Secretary of the Party Committee 529, introduces Huỳnh Thái Học aka Minh Chánh, Åsst Polit Off of Pho Ninh Vill Unit to the Action Unit of Duc Pho Dist Seat for participation in Party activities.; 3. PHS, dated 22 Mar 68, reveals that Hoc was born on 10 Oct 47 in Lô Bàn, Phổ Ninh Vill, Đức Phổ Dist, Quang Ngai Prov, joined the VC Revolution in 1960, and became an official Party member on 14 Aug 67.