Log Category of Documents:
Award Certificate, dtd 14 Jul 68, signed by H6 Quang Dam, CO of an unspec Unit, asserts that Xuyên Phước Vill Guerrilla Unit (Duy Xuyên Dist, Quảng Nam Prov) was awarded a Certificate of Commendation according to Order # 11, 70B for achievements in an attack on Tay H8 Popular Forces (RVNAF) which, resulted in 12 enemy troops killed and seven unspec wpn captured. Red seal reads "Liberation Army, Central Trung Bo Region, Unit 70". Award Certificate, dtd 26 Aug 68, signed by Hồ Quang Đêm, asserts that Nguyễn Oai, Asst Plat Ldr of an unspec Guerrilla Unit, was awarded a Certificate of Commendation by Order # 115/QDKT, 70B for having downed a HULA in the first six months of 1968. Doc further discloses that Oai was a native of Duy Xuyên. Hospital Release, dtd 21 Jun 68, signed by Thi Thuy for Hospital Y2, Civil Health Sec, Quang-Da reveals that Lê Trung Liệt, age 21, Cadre, Unit 8, was hospitalized on 15 Jun and released on 20 Jun 68. Notebook, entries dtd 1968, maintained by a Cadre of Duy Xuyên Dist Unit, contains personnel rosters and wpn status of Vill Units of the cited Dist Unit. This Dist Unit consists of the following elements: C1 (poss 1st Co), armed with various weapons. C2 (poss 2d Co), armed with various weapons. Details on key members of Vill Units provided.