36 WIA and sick of various units, who were recuperating; Key Cadre included Bn XO Lai Van Dam; following are units recorded in the document: A7, Gia Dinh; Gia Dinh 2 (poss 2d Bn, 101st NVA Regt, Sub-Region (SR) 1, COSVN); Gia Dinh 3, Doan 16 (poss 3d Bn, 101st NVA Regt); Gia Dinh 5 (poss aka 268th Regt, SR 1); H4, V26 (poss elm of 275th Regt, 5th VC Div); C6, K8, V29 (poss elm of 88th Regt, 5th VC Div); K24, CT7 (poss elm of 7th VC/NVA Div); C7, K2, Q1 (poss elm of 271st Regt, 9th VC Div); K3, V5 and T14, V5 (poss elm of 271st Regt, 9th VC Div); H13, T1 6, V6 (poss Elm of 272d Regt, 9th VC Div); H16, V6; K4, V6; T14, V6; T15, V6; Doan 37 (poss 273d Regt, 9th VC Div); C3, Doan 46 (poss Recon Bn, HQ, SVNLA); C10, K9, Doan 100 (poss Rear Svc Gp 100 HQ, SVNLA); Quyet Thang 1 (poss 1st Bn, SR 1); C3, K3; C7, K5; C3, D7; C6, K8; H3, K10; D3, V9 and C+D 11 (sic).