Log Category of Documents:
Personnel Record pertaining to Luu Van Thien of Party Chapter 2, T.11, 1.5 ((poss 24 00, 11th Bn, 271st Regt, 9th VC Div)): 1/ Order #085/68 /knd, dated 10 Nov 68, signed by Xuan Thanh Asst Secretary for T.11 Party Committee, admits Luu Van Thien to the Party as a probationary member. 2/ Hospital Release Slip, dated 31 May 68, signed 11ligibly by Adjutant of K.5 ((poss a Dispensary)) states that Luu Van Thien of V5 ((poss aka 271st Regt)) received med treatment at K5 from 15 May to 31 May 68. Notes on the reverse side reveal that Luu Van Thien was issued subsistence allowance by the Financial Affairs Section of -Doan 63 ((poss 9th VC Div)) beginning Jun 68. 3/ Notebook, entries dated between 30 Sep 67 and 10 Aug 68, made by Luu Van Thien, contains fragmentary notes recorded during his infiltration trip.