(C) Items 1-2: Personal papers of Nguyen Thi Loan include the following: 1. Letter of Appreciation, dtd 15 Jul 68, signed by e Hong Sanh, Asst Chief for Rear Svc Section, Ba Bien Prov Unit, was awarded to Nguyên Thi Loan, age 18, Combatant of unspec unit, for outstanding performance of duty. Doc reveals that Loan is a native of Binh Tay Vill, Thu Duc Dist, Gia Dinh Prov, 2. Order No 017/QD-DB, dtd 25 Dec 68, signed by long Van Long, Asst CofS for Vo Dang Chief, Military Staff, T7 Region, promotes Combatant Nguyên thi Loan to Asst Sqd Dr of the cited unit.