Log Category of Documents: Personnel rosters of Signal Plat of Unit D1 2 and Personal History Statements.
Coordinate N/A
Keywords People Dinh Trong Bao, Bùi Cong Khuon, Nguyên Thanh Nghị, Nguyen Be Tha
Keywords Location Dân Chu Vill, Duyên Hà Dist, Thái Bình Prov; Dong Kinh Vill, Dong Quan Dist, Thai Binh Prov; An Loc Vill, Can Loc Dist, Hà Tinh Prov, NVN; Thuy Trình Vill, Thúy Anh Dist, Thái Bình Prov
Keywords Objects N/A
Summarize Details of personnel rosters, historical records, and family residencies.