Log Category of Documents: 16 Dec 63, Personnel ID Card issued to Pvt To Van Thinh, highlight his membership in C7, D5, B52, F320.
Coordinate N/A
Keywords People To Van Thinh, Le Quang, Sr Lt Luu Hung Thi
Keywords Location Tay An Vill, Tiền Hải, Thái Bình Prov.
Keywords Objects Two B41 RL's, five B40 RL's, two RPD SMG's, 31 AK Assault Rifles, three K54 pistols, one CKC Rifle
Summarize (CONFIDENTIAL) ID Card #00193382, TN, dated 16 Dec 63, signed by Sr Lt Luu Hung Thi, Chief of Polit Sec of 524 Regt, 320th NVA Div and countersigned by Le Quang.