Log Category of Documents: Item 1. Communique, dated 1 Sep 67, with the signature bloc of Ding Tráong, Asst Chief of Political Sec, Ap Nam 2 aka 21st Regt, 2d NVA Div 7, grante titles "Brave Killer of Americans", "Gallant Killer of Americans" and "Brave Destroyer of Aircraft" to following Units and Individuals for their combat achievements during the period 13 to 25 Aug 67.
Coordinate N/A
Keywords People Ding Tráong, Nguyen Tat Quan, Hoàng Đ?, Ta Van Lon, Trần Văn Quy, Boan Xin, Nguyễn Xuân Đổi, Minh Ba Indy, Phan Huu Ky, Lê Ch Kid, Nguyen Phúc Đức
Summarize This document reports on the awards given to units and individuals of the 21st Regiment, 2nd NVA Division by Ding Tráong for achievements in August 1967.