Log Category of Documents:
Item #1: PHS, dated 3 Oct 67, prepared by Nguyên Tien aka Tuat, reveals that Tien was born on 14 Oct, 1935, in Vinh Phude Hamlet, Pho Vinh Vill, Duc Pho Dist, Quang Ngai Prov. Document discloses that he enlisted in a Guerrilla Unit in 1963 and was reassigned to [VC Army in 1966. Tien was recommended for admission to the Party by two Party Members. Item 2: Undated PHS, prepared by Nguyen Bay aka Tuong, reveals that Bay was born in 1944 in Van Truong Harlet, Pho Van Vill, Due Pho Dist, Quang Ngai Prov. Document discloses that Bay is a Hamlet Unit Leader and thet he has participated in several battles in 1964. In 1966, he was assigned as Chief of Van Truong Hamlet, and subsequently as Political Officer of Hamlet Unit. In 1967, Bay was promoted to Pho Van Vill Unit Lir. Bay's statement was certified by an U/I member of the Village Chapter Committee on 18 Dec 67