Log Category of Documents:
Promotion Order # 02/0003, dated 13 Oct 67, signed by Nguyen Minh Quang, CO of 1st 3, Đoàn 9 aka 274th Regt 7, promotes Lan Van Khong from Combatant to Asst Sqd Ldr of 2d Co, D1 prob, 1st Bn 7; Promotion Order 0/QDDB, dated 2 Jan 68, signed by Giang Van Nam, CO of 27th Regt, Sub-Region 7, promotes Nguyen Van Be from Sqd Ldr to Asst Plat Ldr of 1st Bn, 27th Regt 7; Promotion Order #0011/CD, dated 30 Jul 67, signed illegibly by CO of Doan 45 aka 5th VC Div 7, appoints Tran Qui Mo from Bn XO to Comdr of Doan 4.