Log Category of Documents:
Personnel roster, undated, reveals the names, positions, and biographical data of 34 members of C9/D6/E46 (possibly the 9th Co, 6th Bn, 46th Regt, Group Phuoc Long). Most of them were born between 1946 and 1953 in NVN provinces, and enlisted (NVA) between Feb 68 and May 71. They formerly served with the 320th (NVA) Div, E52 (possibly the 52th Regt, 320 NVA Div) and (Infiltration Group) 2256. Key cadre listed are: Trần Văn Nghệ, Co CO; Bui Huy Định, Political Officer; Vu Binh Thuan, Co XO; Bui Nhu Mao, Asst Political Officer; Lê Hồ Nam and Hà Quốc Thắng, Plt Ldrs; Phùng Văn Lanh, Nguyên Bá Rúng and Trân Hoai An, Asst plt Ldrs; and Nguyễn Văn Long, Ngân Văn Được, Trương Văn..