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(C) Item 1: PHS, dated 9 Jan 65, prepared by Huỳnh Văn Muon aka Huynh Minh Tam, Sqd Lar, reveals that Muon was born on 11 Nov 46 at Huynh Gian Hamlet, Pace Hoa Vill, Tuy Phude Dist, Binh Dinh Prov and joined the VC 7 revolution when 18 yrs old. He participated In 14 battles including the ones at Phuoc Hòa, Phuoc Tháng, Phuoc Sản and Phước Thuận Vill in Tuy Phuoc Dit, Binh Dinh Prov 7. The document was certified by Van Thanh, for Plat Lar